All-Tournament Team

Top 25 Riders from all participating teams as of the end of Fearsome 4

1 | Mark Zajicek | Carnegie Mellon University | 435 Miles

2 | Neil Lynch | Lorain Community College | 313 Miles

3 | Joe Leslie | Babson College | 300 Miles

4 | Victor Ramirez | Binghamton University | 279 Miles

5 | Mason Bach | University of Nebraska at Kearney | 275 Miles

6 | Jerry Wang | Carnegie Mellon University | 272 Miles

7 | Nat McG | Carnegie Mellon University | 250 Miles

8 | Vishal Adhav | Binghamton University | 220 Miles

9 | Jim Lamuraglia | Binghamton University | 214 Miles

10 | Nathan V | University of Nebraska at Kearney | 203 Miles

11 | Kelly Rockenstein | Carnegie Mellon University | 201 Miles

12 | Suz Leslie | Babson College | 200 Miles

13 | Hitesh Dayaramani | Binghamton University | 179 Miles

14 | Sara Couchman | Binghamton University | 169 Miles

15 | Pattye Stragar | Carnegie Mellon University | 163 Miles

16 | Grant Benson | University of Nebraska at Kearney | 160 Miles

17 | Kylie Mendiola | University of Nebraska at Kearney | 159 Miles

18 | Caleb Munson | University of Nebraska at Kearney | 156 Miles

19 | Michael Stassen | Fitchburg State University | 153 Miles

20 | Adam Akselrod | Binghamton University | 147 Miles

21 | Rebecca Williams | University of Nebraska at Kearney | 145 Miles

22 | Craig Rockenstein | Carnegie Mellon University | 144 Miles

23 | Eric Johnson | Cedarville University | 120 Miles

24 | Rachel Kurchin | Carnegie Mellon University | 120 Miles

25 | Stefanie Santo | Carnegie Mellon University | 118 Miles