• It's a miles-based tournament, but you can ride any Road on your Expresso bike, play any Dragon Chase Game, and even play any of the new Blue Goji games if you have the new Blue Goji Bike! For a ride to count it must be started and finished during tournament play dates.

    Manual/Train/Pedal Mode miles will not count towards your individual or team totals.

    Bikes must be connected to the internet with eLive and all rides must be reported directly from the bike. Neither team nor individual totals will be adjusted for rides not reported by the bikes, crashes, flat tires, missed workouts, or any other down time.

    Blue Goji reserves the right to omit any miles deemed "unrealistic in nature” from the Y Madness Leaderboard. Rides in question include Coin Toss and Downhill Drama - you are still welcome to enjoy these games, but any misuse of gameplay mechanics to achieve excessive mileage accumulation with minimal pedaling will result in those miles being invalidated.

  • Riders must have created an account and be signed-on to the bike in order for their workouts to count. Guest rides will not count towards tournament totals. Account registration can be completed on the bike with the GO bike or online at expresso.com/Register.

    Each rider must use their own ID. If it is determined that more than one rider is using the same ID then the rider with that ID will be disqualified from the individual standings and the miles will be removed from the team totals.

  • This is a knockout-style cycling tournament. Ride every Wednesday for all five weeks of the event. Teams will have 24 hours to ride as many collective miles as they can.

    In the Qualifying Round, the entire field of registered teams will battle for the most miles. The top 16 teams will advance to the Super Sixteen and be seeded according to placement.

    The remainder of the tournament will be single elimination head-to-head play. The team that rides the most miles in each matchup will move forward to the next round.

    All rounds will begin and end at midnight USA Eastern time.

    In the unlikely event that a team doesn't record any miles during a matchup, the team that registered the most miles in that round but did not win will advance in place of the non-competing teams.

  • No! As long as your team is registered you do not need to register your bike(s) as well. Any bikes you have that are online are ready to go for the event.

    Bikes may be added during tournament play, however all bikes must be owned or leased by the participating team. Bikes cannot be rented or borrowed.